AngularJS Examples

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AngularJS Example

<div ng-app="">

<p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="name"></p>
<p>You wrote: {{ name }}</p>


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AngularJS Basics

My first AngularJS Directives
My first AngularJS Directives (with valid HTML5)
My first AngularJS Expression
My first AngularJS Controller

Basic AngularJS Explained

AngularJS Expressions

A simple Expression
Expression without ng-app
Expression with Numbers
Using ng-bind with Numbers
Expression with Strings
Using ng-bind with Strings
Expression with Objects
Using ng-bind with Objects
Expression with Arrays
Using ng-bind with Arrays

Expressions Explained

AngularJS Directives

AngularJS Directives
The ng-model Directive
The ng-repeat Directive (with Arrays)
The ng-repeat Directive (with Objects)

Directives Explained

AngularJS Controllers

AngularJS Controller
Controller Properties
Controller Functions
Controller in JavaScript File I
Controller in JavaScript File II

Controllers Explained

AngularJS Filters

Expression Filter uppercase
Expression Filter lowercase
Expression Filter currency
Directive Filter orderBy
Input Filters

Filters Explained

AngularJS XMLHttpRequest

Reading a static JSON file

XMLHttpRequest Explained

AngularJS Tables

Displaying a table (simple)
Displaying a table with CSS
Displaying a table with an orderBy filter
Displaying a table with an uppercase filter

Tables Explained

AngularJS - Reading from SQL Resources

Reading from a MySQL database
Reading from a SQL Server database

Angular SQL Explained


The ng-disabled Directive
The ng-show Directive
The ng-hide Directive

HTML DOM Explained

AngularJS Events

The ng-click Directive
The ng-hide Directive
The ng-show Directive

HTML Events Explained

AngularJS Modules

AngularJS module in body
AngularJS module in files

Angular Modules Explained

AngularJS Forms

AngularJS Forms
AngularJS Validation

Angular Forms Explained

AngularJS Bootstrap

AngularJS With Bootstrap
AngularJS With Bootstrap and Includes

Bootstrap Explained

AngularJS Applications

AngularJS Note Application
AngularJS ToDo Application

AngularJS Applications

Color Picker
