HTML <abbr> Tag


An abbreviation is marked up as follows:

The <abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> was founded in 1948.

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Definition and Usage

The <abbr> tag defines an abbreviation or an acronym, like "Mr.", "Dec.", "ASAP", "ATM".

Tip: An abbreviation and an acronym are both shortened versions of something else. Both is often represented as a series of letters.

Marking up abbreviations can give useful information to browsers, translation systems and search-engines.

Browser Support

<abbr> Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Tips and Notes

Tip: The global title attribute can be used in the <abbr> tag to show the full version of the abbreviation/acronym when you mouse over the <abbr> element.

Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5


Global Attributes

The <abbr> tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.

Event Attributes

The <abbr> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML.

Related Pages

HTML DOM reference: Abbreviation Object

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