Project Table Find Toolbar


The Find toolbar allows you to find and replace text in the body of the Project Table (excluding the row number) with optional case and whole word matching.

Opening the Project Table Find Toolbar

To open the Project Table Find toolbar, you can:

Using the Project Table Find Toolbar

The Find toolbar allows you to find and replace text in the body of the Project Table (excluding the row number) with optional case and whole word matching. The search is performed row by row, and wraps when it reaches either end of the Project Table. When text is found, it is highlighted in yellow, and the current hit is highlighted in green. The number of hits is displayed in the status bar. The search can be restricted by entry (row), by entry visibility (groups), or by property (column).

By default, the table row is not selected when you search for text, so that searching does not change the entry selection, but you can choose to do so from the Options button menu.

To find text in the Project Table:

  1. Enter the text in the Find text box.
  2. Select search options from the Options button menu.
  3. Click Next or Previous.

To find and replace text in the Project Table:

  1. Enter the text to find in the Find text box.
  2. Enter the text to replace in the Replace with text box.
  3. Select search options from the Options button menu.
  4. Click Next or Previous to find the first occurrence of the text.
  5. Click Replace to replace the text and find the next occurrence of the text.

To find and replace all occurrences of the given text:

  1. Enter the text to find in the Find text box.
  2. Enter the text to replace in the Replace with text box.
  3. Select search options from the Options button menu.
  4. Click Replace All.

Project Table Find Toolbar Features

Find text box

Enter the text to be found in this text box (the "search text").

Options button menu

This button menu provides options for matching the test, restricting the search range, and selecting entries that match. The options are:

Next and Previous buttons

Finds the next or previous occurrence of the search text, subject to the matching conditions. If you click in the Project Table then click either button, the search is reset and starts again with the first occurrence. The current occurrence is highlighted in green; the other occurrences are highlighted in yellow.

Replace with text box

Enter the text that is to replace the found text (the "replacement text").

Replace and Replace All buttons

The Replace button replaces the current found text with the replacement text, then finds the next occurrence of the search text. If you are starting a new search (with no found text), the Replace button finds the first occurrence of the search text.

To replace all occurrences of the search text, click Replace All. A dialog box informs you of the number of replacements made.

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File: project_facility/find_toolbar.html
Last updated: 18 Jun 2014