Copying a Project

There are a few ways of making a copy of a project, depending on how you want to continue working:

To copy a project and continue working in the copy, choose Project → Save As in the main window. A copy is made of the the project, and the copy becomes the current project. This allow you to preserve the original project under its original name, and create a new project to work in.

To copy a project and continue working in the original project, choose Project → Export Project in the main window. A copy is made of the the project, but the current project remains the same. This allows you to preserve the state of the project under a new name, and continue to work in the original project. This choice has some flexibility in what is exported from the project.

In both cases, a project selector opens, in which you can specify the location and name of the project copy, and click Save. Maestro adds a .prj extension to the project name if you did not supply one.

You can also copy a project from the command line with the UNIX cp -r command, or use your file explorer to copy the project. A project is simply a directory with various files stored in it for the administration of the project.

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File: project_facility/project_copy.html
Last updated: 18 Jun 2014