Opening a Project

To open any existing project, choose Project → Open in the main window. The Open Project project selector opens, in which you can navigate to and select the project. When you click Open, the current project is closed and the selected project is opened. This button is not active until you have provided a valid project name.

To open a recently used project, choose Project → Open Recentproject. The number of projects displayed can be set in the General – History tab of the Preferences panel.

If the project version of the project you select does not match the current project version, a dialog box opens, allowing you to convert the project with a new name to the current project version. If the conversion fails for any reason, another dialog box informs you of what was tried and suggests an action to take.

After opening an old project, you might want to compress the structure data to save space. You can do this with Project → Compress Structure Data. Compressing a large project can take some time.

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File: project_facility/project_open.html
Last updated: 14 Oct 2014