Merging Project Entries

To create a new entry by merging existing entries, select the entries to be merged and choose Entry → Merge. The merged entry is added to the Project Table after the last selected entry (and inside the entry group of the last selected entry, if it exists). The previously selected entries, whose content was used to create the new entry, remain in the project. The selected entries are added to the new entry in the order in which they appear in the Project Table. You can therefore control the order of addition by moving the entries in the Project Table before merging them.

Properties are also copied to the new entry. The properties of the entry with the most atoms (the "lead" entry) are copied first, then the properties of other entries are added, in Project Table order, to any blank cells. The title of the new entry is a concatenation of the titles of the source entries, lead entry first, then the others in Project Table order. If more than three entries are merged, the lead title is used with a suffix _mergedN, where N is the number of merged entries. The entry name is likewise merged. Auxiliary data is not copied.

There is no panel or dialog box associated with this command.

An alternative way of creating a new entry from several existing entries is to include them in the Workspace, then create an entry from the Workspace. The order in which the entries appear in the new entry is the order in which they were included in the Workspace.

If you want to merge entries in the order of their entry IDs, use the Maestro command entrycombine order=entryid.

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File: pt_entry_menu/entry_combine.html
Last updated: 21 Jan 2014