Project Table Calculator Panel


The Project Table Calculator panel enables you to calculate new properties by arithmetic operations on existing properties.

Opening the Project Table Calculator Panel

To open the Project Table Calculator panel, you can:

Using the Project Table Calculator Panel

The calculator allows you to construct formulas from arithmetic properties (real or integer), and use these formulas to construct new properties. For example, you can calculate a new property that represents relative values of a given property. A formula can refer to any number of existing properties and functions.

A formula can be assembled by using the operator buttons −, +, *, /, **, parentheses, the lists of properties and functions, and constants. Each time you click a button, a token is added to the formula, and the availability of the buttons is updated to reflect the valid choices for the next token.

The last addition to the formula can be reversed by clicking Undo. You can click this button multiple times to undo multiple additions to the formula. The entire formula can be cleared by clicking Clear. There is no way to directly edit the formula.

When the formula is in a complete state the Execute button becomes available. This button evaluates the formula for all the rows in the current project, or if Selected Rows Only is selected then the formula is evaluated for only the selected rows in the Project Table.

Example: Calculating GlideScore divided by molecular weight.

  1. Calculate the molecular weight property:

    1. Choose Calculate from the Property menu in the Project Table panel.

    2. Select Molecular weight from the Property list.

    3. Click Calculate, then click Close.

  2. Enter glidescoremw in the Create text box.

  3. Select the GlideScore property:

    1. Click Properties
    2. Select docking score from the list
    3. Click OK
  4. Click the / button.

  5. Select the Molecular weight property.

    The formula is now complete and can be evaluated.

  6. Click Execute.

    The property is created and the values entered into the table.

Project Table Calculator Panel Features

Create text boxes

The editable text box immediately to the right of the Create label is used to specify the name of the new property or of the formula. If the name is the name of an existing property, the existing property will be replaced without warning.

To the right of this text box, separated by an = sign, is the text box in which the formula is entered. The various parts of the formula are color-coded for readability.

Arithmetic operations buttons

The arithmetic operations buttons, −, +, *, /, and **, and the parentheses, are used to construct the formula. Click one of these buttons to add the operator or parenthesis to the formula. The availability of the buttons depends on the state of the formula, and is updated with each addition to the formula.

Properties button

Click this button to add a property to the formula. Opens a dialog box, in which you can select the property to add. Only arithmetic properties are available.

Functions button

Click this button to add a mathematical function to the formula. The argument of the function must be supplied after the function is inserted.

Constant text box

Enter an arithmetic constant to be added to the formula. The value is added to the formula when you press ENTER.

Action buttons

The action buttons allow you to evaluate the formula, correct or clear it, and save or load formulas.


Execute the formula on the specified rows of the Project Table, and create the property with the name specified in the Create text box.


Undo additions to the formula. You can click this button multiple times to remove successive additions.


Clear the current formula.


Save the current formula in the project. Opens a dialog box in which you can name the formula.


Load a formula into the calculator. Opens a dialog box in which you can select a saved formula.

Selected Rows Only option

When selected, this option restricts the execution of the formula to the selected rows in the Project Table.

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File: pt_table_menu/project_table_calculator.html
Last updated: 28 Jan 2014