Main Window — Workspace Toolbar

Perform actions related to the Workspace content, including image creation and creating scenes.

Create Entry
Menu equivalent: Workspace → Create Project Entry.    Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+N (⇧⌘N)
Create an entry in the current project using the contents of the Workspace. Opens a dialog box in which you can supply a title for the entry, and choose whether to create the entry from all atoms, the selected atoms, or the displayed atoms. If all the atoms in the new entry come from entries in a single entry group, the new entry is placed in that entry group, otherwise it is added to the ungrouped entries in the Project Table.
Menu equivalent: Workspace → Clear.
Clear the Workspace. This operation removes scratch entries as well as project entries from the Workspace, along with any associated markers. It does not remove any data from project entries.
Save Image
Menu equivalent: Workspace → Save Image.
Save an image of the Workspace to a file in TIFF, JPEG, or PNG format, in the Save Image panel.
New Scene
Menu equivalent: Workspace → Scenes → New.
Create a new "scene", which is a snapshot of part or all of the project, including the Workspace content and display settings. Opens the New Scene dialog box, in which you can provide a description and choose which parts of the project to include in the scene.
View Scenes
Menu equivalent: Workspace → Scenes → View.
Enter a mode in which you view scenes. The Scenes toolbar is displayed in a bar at the bottom of the Workspace, and the selected scene is opened. While you are viewing scenes, no changes are made to the project.

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File: tool_bar/main_workspace_toolbar.html
Last updated: 19 Jun 2014