AngularJS Filters

Filters can be added to expressions and directives using a pipe character.

AngularJS Filters

AngularJS filters can be used to transform data:

Filter Description
currency Format a number to a currency format.
filter Select a subset of items from an array.
lowercase Format a string to lower case.
orderBy Orders an array by an expression.
uppercase Format a string to upper case.

Adding Filters to Expressions

A filter can be added to an expression with a pipe character (|) and a filter.

(For the next two examples we will use the person controller from the previous chapter)

The uppercase filter format strings to upper case:

AngularJS Example

<div ng-app="" ng-controller="personController">

<p>The name is {{ lastName | uppercase }}</p>


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The lowercase filter format strings to lower case:

AngularJS Example

<div ng-app="" ng-controller="personController">

<p>The name is {{ lastName | lowercase }}</p>


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The currency Filter

The currency filter formats a number as currency:

AngularJS Example

<div ng-app="" ng-controller="costController">

<input type="number" ng-model="quantity">
<input type="number" ng-model="price">

<p>Total = {{ (quantity * price) | currency }}</p>


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Adding Filters to Directives

A filter can be added to a directive with a pipe character (|) and a filter.

The orderBy filter orders an array by an expression:

AngularJS Example

<div ng-app="" ng-controller="namesController">

  <li ng-repeat="x in names | orderBy:'country'">
    {{ + ', ' + }}


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Filtering Input

An input filter can be added to a directive with a pipe character (|) and filter followed by a colon and a model name.

The filter filter selects a subset of an array:

AngularJS Example

<div ng-app="" ng-controller="namesController">

<p><input type="text" ng-model="test"></p>

  <li ng-repeat="x in names | filter:test | orderBy:'country'">
    {{ ( | uppercase) + ', ' + }}


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Color Picker
