onchange Event

Event Object Reference Event Object


Execute a JavaScript when a user changes the selected option of a <select> element:

<select onchange="myFunction()">

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More "Try it Yourself" examples below.

Definition and Usage

The onchange event occurs when the value of an element has been changed.

For radiobuttons and checkboxes, the onchange event occurs when the checked state has been changed.

Tip: This event is similar to the oninput event. The difference is that the oninput event occurs immediately after the value of an element has changed, while onchange occurs when the element loses focus. The other difference is that the onchange event also works on <keygen> and <select> elements.

Browser Support

onchange Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



<element onchange="myScript">Try it

In JavaScript:

object.onchange=function(){myScript};Try it

In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:

object.addEventListener("change", myScript);Try it

Note: The addEventListener() method is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions.

Technical Details

Bubbles: Yes
Cancelable: No
Event type: Event
Supported HTML tags: <input type="checkbox">, <input type="file">, <input type="password">, <input type="radio">, <input type="range">, <input type="search">, <input type="text">, <keygen>, <select> and <textarea>
DOM Version: Level 2 Events


More Examples


Execute a JavaScript when a user changes the content of an input field:

<input type="text" onchange="myFunction()">

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Event Object Reference Event Object

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