HTML DOM removeNamedItem() Method

Attribute Object Reference Attribute Object


Remove the type attribute from an input button:

var btn = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")[0];

Before removing the attribute:

After removing the attribute:

Try it yourself »

Definition and Usage

The removeNamedItem() method removes the node with the specified name in a NamedNodeMap object.

Browser Support

removeNamedItem() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note: In Internet Explorer 8 and earlier, when using the removedNamedItem() method to remove an attribute, the method returns the attribute as it should, but it does not remove the attribute.



Parameter Values

Parameter Type Description
nodename String Required. The name of the node in the namedNodeMap you want to remove

Technical Details

Return Value: A Node object, representing the removed attribute node
DOM Version Core Level 1

Attribute Object Reference Attribute Object

Color Picker
