Track readyState Property

Track Object Reference Track Object


Get the current ready state of the track resource:

var x = document.getElementById("myTrack").readyState;

The result of x could be:

2 // Indicates that the text track has been loaded with no errors

Definition and Usage

The readyState property returns the current ready state of the track resource.

The ready state indicates that the resource is ready to play or not.

Note: This property is read-only.

Browser Support

Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari

The readyState property is supported Internet Explorer, Opera, and Chrome.

Note: The readyState property is not supported in Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.



Technical Details

Return Value: A Number, representing the ready state of the track resource:
  • 0 = NONE - the text track's cues have not been obtained
  • 1 = LOADING - the text track is loading with no errors yet. Further cues can still be added to the track by the parser
  • 2 = LOADED - the text track has been loaded with no errors
  • 3 = ERROR - the text track was enabled, but when the user agent attempted to obtain it, something failed. Some or all of the cues are likely missing and will not be obtained

Track Object Reference Track Object

Color Picker
