ASP.NET Calendar Control

Web Server Controls Web Server Controls

Definition and Usage

The Calendar control is used to display a calendar in the browser.

This control displays a one-month calendar that allows the user to select dates and move to the next and previous months.


Property Description .NET
Caption The caption of the calendar 2.0
CaptionAlign The alignment of the caption text 2.0
CellPadding The space, in pixels, between the cell walls and contents 1.0
CellSpacing The space, in pixels, between cells 1.0
DayHeaderStyle The style for displaying the names of the days 1.0
DayNameFormat The format for displaying the names of the days 1.0
DayStyle The style for displaying days 1.0
FirstDayOfWeek What should be the first day of week 1.0
NextMonthText The text displayed for the next month link 1.0
NextPrevFormat The format of the next and previous month links 1.0
NextPrevStyle The style for displaying next and previous month links 1.0
OtherMonthDayStyle The style for displaying days that are not in the current month 1.0
PrevMonthText The text displayed for the previous month link 1.0
runat Specifies that the control is a server control.  Must be set to "server" 1.0
SelectedDate The selected date 1.0
SelectedDates The selected dates 1.0
SelectedDayStyle The style for selected days 1.0
SelectionMode How a user is allowed to select dates 1.0
SelectMonthText The text displayed for the month selection link 1.0
SelectorStyle The style for the month and weeks selection links 1.0
SelectWeekText The text displayed for the week selection link 1.0
ShowDayHeader A Boolean value that specifies whether the days of the week header should be shown 1.0
ShowGridLines A Boolean value that specifies whether the grid lines between days should be shown 1.0
ShowNextPrevMonth A Boolean value that specifies whether the next and previous month links should be shown 1.0
ShowTitle A Boolean value that specifies whether the title of the calendar should be shown 1.0
TitleFormat The format for the title of the calendar 1.0
TitleStyle The style of the title of the calendar 1.0
TodayDayStyle The style for today's date 1.0
TodaysDate Today's date 1.0
UseAccessibleHeader Specifying whether to use the <th> element for the day headers instead of the <td> element 2.0
VisibleDate The date that specifies the month that is currently visible in the calendar 1.0
WeekendDayStyle The style for weekends 1.0
OnDayRender The name of the function to be executed when when each day cell is created  
OnSelectionChanged The name of the function to be executed when the user selects a day, week, or month  
OnVisibleMonthChanged The name of the function to be executed when the user navigates to a different month  

Web Control Standard Properties

AccessKey, Attributes, BackColor, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, CssClass, Enabled, Font, EnableTheming, ForeColor, Height, IsEnabled, SkinID, Style, TabIndex, ToolTip, Width

For a full description, go to Web Control Standard Attributes.

Control Standard Properties

AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory, BindingContainer, ClientID, Controls, EnableTheming, EnableViewState, ID, NamingContainer, Page, Parent, Site, TemplateControl, TemplateSourceDirectory, UniqueID, Visible

For a full description, go to Control Standard Attributes.



Declare a Calendar control in its simplest use.

Calendar 2
Declare a Calendar control where the days are displayed with full names in blue, the weekends are displayed in red on a yellow background, and the current date is displayed with a green background.

Calendar 3
Declare a Calendar control where the days are displayed with full names, the user may select a day, a week, or the whole month, and the selected day/week/month is displayed with a grey background color.

Web Server Controls Web Server Controls

Color Picker
