ASP.NET HtmlInputHidden Control

HTML Server Controls HTML Server Controls

Definition and Usage

The HtmlInputHidden control is used to control an <input type="hidden"> element. In HTML, this element is used to create a hidden input field.

Properties and Events

Property Description
Attributes Returns all attribute name and value pairs of the element
Disabled A Boolean value that indicates whether or not the control should be disabled. Default is false
id A unique id for the element
Name The name of the element
runat Specifies that the element is a server control. Must be set to "server"
Style Sets or returns the CSS properties that are applied to the control
TagName Returns the element tag name
Type The type of the element
Value The value of the hidden field
Visible A Boolean value that indicates whether or not the control should be visible

Event Description
ServerChange When the content of the element has changed


Declare one HtmlInputHidden control, one HtmlInputText control, one HtmlInputButton control, and one HtmlGeneric control in an .aspx file (remember to embed the controls inside an HtmlForm control). When the submit button is triggered, the submit subroutine is executed. The submit subroutine sets the value of the hidden field equal to value of the input field and then displays the value of the hidden field in the p element.

HTML Server Controls HTML Server Controls

Color Picker
