ASP.NET ListControl Control

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Definition and Usage

The ListControl control covers all the base functions for list controls. Controls that inherits from this control include the CheckBoxList, DropDownList, ListBox, and RadioButtonList classes.

The ListControl class allows you to specify the source of the data to populate the list control.


Property Description .NET
AppendDataBoundItems A Boolean value that specifies whether list items are cleared before data binding 2.0
AutoPostBack Specifies whether the form should be posted immediately after the index of the selected item has changed or not 1.0
CausesValidation Specifies whether or not a page is validated when an item in a list control is clicked 2.0
DataTextField A field in the data source to be displayed in the drop-down list 1.0
DataTextFormatString Formatting string used to specify how to display list data 1.0
DataValueField A field in the data source that specifies the value of each selectable item in the drop-down list 1.0
Items A collection of list items in the list 1.0
runat Specifies that the control is a server control.  Must be set to "server" 1.0
SelectedIndex The index number of the selected item in a list 1.0
SelectedItem The text of the selected item in a list 1.0
SelectedValue The value of the selected item in a list 1.0
TagKey   1.0
Text The value of the selected item in a list 2.0
ValidationGroup The group of controls that is validated when a Postback occurs 2.0
OnSelectedIndexChanged The name of the function to be executed when the index of the selected item has changed 1.0

Web Control Reference Complete Web Control Reference

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