ASP.NET DropDownList Control

Web Server Controls Web Server Controls

Definition and Usage

The DropDownList control is used to create a drop-down list.

Each selectable item in a DropDownList control is defined by a ListItem element!

Tip: This control supports data binding!


Property Description .NET
SelectedIndex The index of a selected item 1.0
OnSelectedIndexChanged The name of the function to be executed when the index of the selected item has changed 1.0
runat Specifies that the control is a server control. Must be set to "server" 1.0

ListControl Standard Properties

AppendDataBoundItems, AutoPostBack, CausesValidation, DataTextField, DataTextFormatString, DataValueField, Items, runat, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectedValue, TagKey, Text, ValidationGroup, OnSelectedIndexChanged

The ListControl control covers all the base functions for list controls. Controls that inherits from this control include the CheckBoxList, DropDownList, ListBox, and RadioButtonList controls.

For a full description, go to ListControl Standard Attributes.

Web Control Standard Properties

AccessKey, Attributes, BackColor, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, CssClass, Enabled, Font, EnableTheming, ForeColor, Height, IsEnabled, SkinID, Style, TabIndex, ToolTip, Width

For a full description, go to Web Control Standard Attributes.

Control Standard Properties

AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory, BindingContainer, ClientID, Controls, EnableTheming, EnableViewState, ID, NamingContainer, Page, Parent, Site, TemplateControl, TemplateSourceDirectory, UniqueID, Visible

For a full description, go to Control Standard Attributes.


Declare one DropDownList control in an .aspx file. Then create an event handler for the Click event which displays some text and the selected item, in a Label control.

Web Server Controls Web Server Controls

Color Picker
