<AppML> Downloads

This chapter explains how to download <AppML>, and immediately start developing web applications on your own computer.

Download <AppML>

<AppML> is not a product. <AppML> is an idea. It's just a browser script and a server script.

Anyone can download <AppML> and change the scripts to create their own professional web applications.

You can download <AppML> for PHP from this link AppmlPHP.zip

You can download <AppML> for ASP.NET from this link AppmlASP.zip

ZIP File Content:

Filename Description
appml.php (or .aspx) <AppML> server script
appml.css <AppML> style sheet
appml.js <AppML> browser script
appml_config.php (or .aspx) <AppML> local configuration
Images (folder) <AppML> stylesheet images

If You Have a Web Server

If you already have a web server supporting ASP.NET or PHP:

1. Create a new web folder called Demo (or anything else).

2. Unzip the files and folders from the zip file.

3. Copy the files and folders to your new web folder.

4. Start developing your web applications.

If You Don't Have a Web Server

If you don't have a web server, you can use Microsoft's WebMatrix (free software) for developing web applications.

With WebMatrix, you can edit, test, and run web applications on your own PC,  without the need for any web server.

WebMatrix comes with:

  • An editor for your <AppML> files (HTML, CSS, and XML)
  • A web server for running your applications (IIS Express)
  • A database server (SQL Server Compact)
  • Good support for server languages (PHP, ASP, and ASP.NET)

WebMatrix can be downloaded from:


When you have installed WebMatrix, use the same instructions as above.

If You Have a Database

You connect to a database on your web server, by changing the configuration information in appml.config:


<database name="appmldemo">


<database name="appmldemo">
Provider=SQLOLEDB;data source=sName;Database=dbName;user id=dbUser;password=dbPass

ASP.NET Access (Full path)

<database name="appmldemo">
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Demo\Data\Demo.mdb

ASP.NET Access (Virtual path)

<database name="appmldemo">
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=#webroot#\Data\Demo.mdb

If You Don't Have a Database

If you don't have a database:

You can create a database using WebMatrix.

Or you can download an Access database from this link: Northwind.zip.

Or you can download an empty Access database from this link: Empty Database.zip.

More Downloads

You can download all the applications from the case study of this tutorial:

PHP version

ASP.NET version

You can download an application to fill a test database with data:

PHP version

ASP.NET version

Color Picker
