<apppML> Reference

The <AppML> Data Model:

<appml security="security">

Datasource definition goes here

Filter definitions goes here (if any)

Update definitions goes here (if any)

Anything you want to add to the model



<AppML> security is taken care of by the security attribute in the <AppML> tag.

<appml security="artists">

An application starting with the security defined above, can only be run by a user logged as an artist.

In this context, the user must be logged in with a username defined as a member of the group "artists".

The <datasource> Element

The <datasource> element defines the 4 different types of data sources an <AppML> application can have:

Sub Elements (only one can apply)

Element Description
<database> Defines a database source
<xmlfile> Defines an XML source file
<csvfile> Defines a comma separated text file

The <database> Element

The <database> element defines a database source.

Sub Elements

Element Description
<connection> The name of a database connection
<execute> SQL to be executed before data retrieval (optional)
<sql> The SQL statement for retrieving data
<maintable> The main table for this application (optional)
<keyfield> The key field for the main table (optional)

Data Stored in SQL Databases

This is the most common solution for data oriented applications.

<sql>SELECT Artist, Title, Country FROM CD_Catalog</sql>

The model above selects three data items (Artist, Title, Country) from a table called "CD_Catalog", in an SQL database called "CDDataBase".

The number of rows returned is unknown.

Data Stored in XML Files

<AppML> can read data from XML files:



<xmlfile src="cd_catalog.xml">







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This method makes it possible to store data in XML files on the server.

Data Stored in Text Files

<AppML> can read data from text files:



<csvfile src="cd_catalog.txt">






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This method makes it possible to store data in Text files on the server.

Create a Database if Needed

With <AppML> you can also create a database if needed:


Title NVARCHAR(255),
Artist NVARCHAR(255),
Country NVARCHAR(255),
Company NVARCHAR(255),
Price NUMBER,Published INT)


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