<AppML> How To

This chapter demonstrates how to create an <AppML> application in 4 easy steps.

The next chapter explains how to download <AppML>, and immediately start developing web applications on your own computer.

1. Create a Model

Create a file with the following content:


  <sql>SELECT CustomerName,ContactName,City,Country FROM Customers</sql>



Save the file as Customers.xml in a subfolder called Models (we suggest).

Model Explained

The <appml> tag defines a model.

The <datasource> tag defines the model's datasource.

The <database> tag defines a database.

The <connection> tag defines the database connection.

The <sql> tag defines the data to be selected.

The <orderby> tag defines the default sort order.

The <query> tag defines legal query filters.

2. Create a Web Page

For your first <AppML> app, create an HTML page:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Web Application</h1>

  <td>Alfreds Futterkiste</td>


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3. Add Some Style

Add a stylesheet to your web page to run the <AppML> app:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="appml.css">

<h1>My First Web Application</h1>

<table class="appmltable">
  <td>Alfreds Futterkiste</td>


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4. Add a Script, and Run Your Application

Add a script to your web page to run the <AppML> app:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="appml.css">

<h1>My First Web Application</h1>

<div id="Place01">

<table id="Template01" class="appmltable">
<tr id="appml_row">

<script src="appml.js"></script>
app=new AppML("appml.aspx","Models/Customers.xml");


Try it yourself »

Example Explained

The <AppML> library has lots of functions. These functions can be called from your web page.

<script src="appml.js"> loads the <AppML> library into your HTML page.

The JavaScript statement: app=new AppML("appml.aspx","Models/Customers.xml"); creates an AppML application object, running the a web service called "appml.aspx" against the model "Customers.xml".

The JavaScript statement app.run("Place01","Template01"); runs the application inside the HTML element with id="Place01", using the HTML element with id="Template01" as a template.

The attribute id="appml_row" defines the HTML element to be repeated for each data row.

Data names between # signs will be replaced with data from the model.

That's all. Can you imagine faster prototyping?

How Does it Work?

  • When a web page loads, you can load an <AppML> controller into the page.
  • With the <AppML> controller, you can create an <AppML> object on your page.
  • When you run the <AppML> object, it asks a controller on your server for data.
  • The <AppML> object receives the data (with a data model) from the server.
  • The <AppML> object (or your code) displays the data in your web page.
  • (Optionally) A web user can change the data.
  • (Optionally) <AppML> can send data back to the server.
  • (Optionally) The server controller can store data on the server.

Typical Web Files and Folders:


Your web folder: Demo

Your data folder: Data

Your images folder: Images

Your models folder: Models

Your application: Demo.htm

Your stylesheet: Demo.css


<AppML> configuration: appml_config.php (or .aspx)

<AppML> stylesheet: appml.css

<AppML> browser controller: appml.js

<AppML> server controller: appml.php (or .aspx)

No Restrictions

You can put <AppML> objects inside any HTML page. <AppML> does not interfere with other parts of the page.

<AppML> defaults to standard display solutions, only if solutions don't exist. This is perfect for rapid prototyping.

But <AppML> is not primarily about display. <AppML> is about fetching data for your application. It brings data and a data model to your page. You have full HTML, CSS, and JavaScript freedom. You can:

  • Write the HTML yourself, and let AppML handle the rest.
  • Call the model yourself, and handle all the display yourself.
  • Create any other combination, using AppML properties and methods. 

You will soon discover that the power of <AppML>, and its ability to provide your web applications with data and data models. You can:

  • Define data security for users and groups
  • Connect to all kinds of databases, like Access, MySQL, SQL, and Oracle
  • Connect to XML Files and Text Files
  • Define data types, data formats, and data restrictions
  • Add any new elements to the model

Read the reference to discover what <AppML> can do for you!

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